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Podcast #89

Lactation Insufficiency & Obesity, Drug Treatment of Nipple Vasospasm, Finger Feeding vs Syringe Feeding, & the Association Between Breastfeeding & Breast Density with Cohosts Anne Eglash MD, IBCLC & Karen Bodnar MD, IBCLC

February 6, 2021

What is the connection between obesity and lactation insufficiency? What are the non-medicinal and non-medicinal options to treat nipple vasospasm? Is there a benefit to supplementing via finger feeding vs syringe feeding for NICU infants? How does breastfeeding affect breast density?

We will discuss various theories to explain the connection between obesity and lactation insufficiency. There are several options to treat vasospasm, and we will discuss how we decide what to use. Do you advise finger feeding? Listen up to learn more about how finger feeding has been studied in the NICU and our experiences with finger feeding as a supplementation method. The relationship between breastfeeding and breast density is a bit complicated- join us to learn more!
Recorded in December 2020.


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