Clinical Questions List
Infant Rooming-In and Breastfeeding

CQ #14 - October 18, 2016

by Anne Eglash MD, IBCLC, FABM

Rooming-in is a standard of care for all mothers and infants postpartum, and is defined as keeping the infant in the mother’s room after birth and throughout hospitalization, unless there is a medical reason for maternal-infant separation.

In September 2016, American Academy of Pediatrics published their clinical report on skin-to- skin and rooming-in, recommending both as best practices on maternal-child hospital units.

For years, breastfeeding specialists have extolled the importance of rooming-in for breastfeeding success. We know that babies who room-in with their mothers breastfeed more often, lose less weight, and have lower bilirubin levels. Rooming-in is associated with higher breastfeeding rates for at least 6 months postpartum.

What do you think is NOT a known benefit of infants rooming-in with their mothers postpartum?
  1. Fewer nurses needed on the maternity ward because of not needing to staff a nursery.
  2. Improved patient satisfaction with the hospital stay.
  3. Decreased infant abandonment.
  4. Increased infant security by avoiding newborn abductions or switches.

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