Clinical Questions List
Psychiatric Symptoms Upon Withdrawal of Domperidone

CQ #265 - December 19, 2022

by Anne Eglash MD, IBCLC, FABM


Psychiatric symptoms can occur among people discontinuing domperidone, particularly when taking higher than recommended doses.

Psychiatric Manifestations of Withdrawal Following Domperidone Used as a Galactagogue
Breastfeeding Medicine 17 (12) 2022 1018- 1024
Is Domperidone safe during lactation, and can there be withdrawal symptoms?

Domperidone and metoclopramide are medications indicated for gastrointestinal purposes. Both decrease nausea/vomiting and improve gut motility, although they are also commonly used off label during lactation to increase milk production. Both medications raise the prolactin level by blocking dopamine receptors, thereby releasing more prolactin from the anterior pituitary gland. Increasing prolactin can increase milk production in some lactating people.

Domperidone is considered safer with fewer side effects as compared to metoclopramide, because metoclopramide passes through the blood brain barrier and its psychiatric side effects are well known. Acute anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, dizziness, sadness and depression are common side effects during metoclopramide therapy. Unlike metoclopramide, domperidone does not easily pass through the blood brain barrier, so reports of acute psychiatric side effects upon starting or continuing domperidone are much less common.

The authors of today’s article review case reports of psychiatric symptoms that have occurred among lactating individuals discontinuing domperidone. Nearly all case reports involve people taking doses of domperidone that are higher than the doses recommended by manufacturers.

The psychiatric side effects of domperidone withdrawal include anxiety, depression, decreased appetite, insomnia, intrusive thoughts, and suicidal ideation. Some individuals report having had psychiatric hospitalization and/or multiple suicide attempts, and these side effects have taken many months to resolve.

The authors point out that many physicians in the USA know nothing about domperidone since it is not FDA approved and are often not aware that their patients are taking it.

What doses were involved in these case reports? See the question!

What do you think is the high dose range of domperidone most associated with psychiatric side effects, as compared to the recommended dosing by manufacturers? Choose only 1 answer:
  1. Doses of 150mg-250mg were associated with psychiatric side effects vs the manufacturer’s recommended dose of 10mg-30mg a day.
  2. Doses of 120mg-150mg were associated with psychiatric side effects vs the manufacturer’s recommended dose of 60mg-90mg a day.
  3. Doses of 90mg-150mg were associated with psychiatric side effects vs the manufacturer’s recommended dose of 30mg-40mg a day.

Click here to view the answer to this question.


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Comments (1)
    Dipalee patel

    Excellently written . Definitely the domperidone doses are decided on bases of social media comments. I have one opinion that when a mother is using dom say for 4-6 weeks and she is seeing lots of milk , it creates a sense of happiness and satisfaction in herself as she is producing good quantities which was earlier not possible without dom ( she tried) but now at the time of withdrawal most moms get anxious and nervous about the feeling of loosing milk again , and their inability to further production, which in turn can add in negativity, depression And anxiety.
    Also There should be a study in the babies and their later health outcomes who were fed on domperidone milk .

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